In the digital realm, data integrity reigns supreme. Yet, amidst the buzz of cybersecurity and data protection laws there’s a silent threats lurking in the shadows: an example is dead links. Often overlooked, these broken pathways not only disrupt user experience. They also jeopardize…

Embark on a seamless company registration journey by arming yourself with essential documents. Let’s begin by gaining a clear understanding of the key company forms: CR1, CR2, CR8, and more. The registration process itself unfolds on a citizen platform. To navigate the path of company…

When it comes to conducting profitable business, individuals can associate themselves with two primary types of organizations: partnerships and companies. Each category has distinct legal characteristics. Companies are incorporated entities, while partnerships are not. Incorporation establishes a separate legal entity, whereas unincorporated entities lack independent…

The criminal justice system can be terrifying for those caught on the wrong side of the law, but the best way to come to terms with the justice system is to understand it.

Requirements of a contract Agreement (intention) Contractual Capacity (like those by a child/mentally incapacitated) Consideration (the promise) Legality (i.e., the goal has to be legal. Not against public policy) Genuineness of assent (express consent from both parties) Form (some agreements must be in writing) Roscoe pound is authoritative stating…

The advantages of the internet are many. To businesses, it is faster, cost-efficient, and convenient. But it has its disadvantages. For instance, fraud. In any case, the discussion in this article shall be limited to issues of the validity of contracts in digital spaces. Issues…

In practice, once a party is aggrieved by breach of contract, the first remedy is to prepare a rush to court. This works, only some times. Other times, it only cmpounds frustrations. A good example is by the consequences of an Arbitration Clause in an agreement, (ensure there is an agreement for arrangements…

Here lets only speak to Stamp Duty, a tax on certain instruments (written documents). Every instrument specific enough to be used in law is charged duty unless otherwise considered within the context of specified limited exemptions. Such that, exemptions may be relied on by parties to a transaction to reduce…

All company registration is regulated by the Company Act 2015. Therefore, any company duly registered outside Kenya with intent to conduct business in Kenya must register either a subsidiary or branch company in Kenya. The following are the requirements for Foreign Company Registration in Kenya:…

What to know, How to do due diligence in land transactions The following is a basic list of what to do for due diligence in land transaction: Official search at the land’s registry; Official search at Company’s registry; Survey records; Confirm whether the Land is subject to…