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Protect Your Ideas

Protect Your Ideas

Registration first of all Ideas cannot be protected unless they are expressed in specific ways. That way, there are Rights assignable to the Ideas (IP- see Defination here ). Just as with any Rights, they, also come with Obligations. Thats how we begin to refer to intellectual property in the form…

Why You Need To Pay Tax

Why You Need To Pay Tax

Here lets only speak to Stamp Duty, a tax on certain instruments (written documents). Every instrument specific enough to be used in law is charged duty unless otherwise considered within the context of specified limited exemptions. Such that, exemptions may be relied on by parties to a transaction to reduce…

Child Custody In Kenya

Child Custody In Kenya

THE LAW In Kenya, Case Law is such that the interest and welfares of the child are a priority. The assumption is that the suit parties are not amicable. Elements as to the custody and or maintenance, visitation and parental reasonability, the actual and legal threshold…

Uber Case Commentary

Uber Case Commentary

In the recent past, the arrival of Uber brought revolutionary advancement in the taxi industry, globally. However, with it came periodic labor struggles epitomized by driver’s strikes who would protest against the poor pay and inhumane working conditions. This is now conveniently highlighted by a 2016 suit…

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