Refer to the interactions between a professional and the client as they should happen. When this happens, the professional should be ready for it. The client only needs to present his issues and expect a professional action.

Perhaps it is noteworthy that the majority of people do not like advocates. The encounters tend to be of last resort. Nonetheless, they happen.

When push turns to shove, there is a need for advocates. The advocate is expected to show courtesy. From the first interview to the conclusion of the matter. The advocate must remain a professional. However, an interview is not just for the advocate as a professional. It is also an opportunity for the client to gain perspective on the issues and to get a feel of what to expect. Ideally, this involves the amount of fees to be paid and the process as well as the timelines of what is to be done. The discussions of fees, timelines, and expectations must happen. Without proper management of these key issues, it is unlikely that the conduct of the matter would end well.

First, there is the identification of the good facts and bad facts. Without an interview, it is personal imagination that would fill in the gaps on the scenario at hand. Secondly, there is the need for the preparation by the professional who would then come prepared with precise pointers on how to propel the matter to its logical conclusion.

However, there is no one way to perform a given task. Nonetheless there are ways that would never amount to success. It is always best to understand the purpose of a procedure in place so as to take full advantage of the benefits that such procedure are intended to provide.

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