To get you hooked the first time. Believe it or not so is the engineering of Social Media. Once you tried it, there is no chance that you would mind a second look. Sooner or later you find that you can accept that the glass is half full, and at the same time deny that it is half empty. It is similar  to the egg and chicken relationship. Issues get entangled as easily.

It is like a new Law. Of course, some will love it and others would detaste it. Interestingly, when you listen to the promoters of such laws, you realise that they have a legitimate problem that they seek to address.

To ignore issues around Data privacy – in this age of social media- is similar to burying your head in the sand and hoping that whatever it is you acknowldge as requring a decision, it would resolve itself and do so to your advantage. It is less likely that the outcome would be any other way other than you missing out on what experience and resulting benefits.

First, the rights. These are to protect the personal data. They include:

  1. The right to be informed
  2. The Right to be Forgotten.
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