Author page: Makori V A

Child Custody In Kenya

Child Custody In Kenya

THE LAW In Kenya, Case Law is such that the interest and welfares of the child are a priority. The assumption is that the suit parties are not amicable. Elements as to the custody and or maintenance, visitation and parental reasonability, the actual and legal threshold…

Uber Case Commentary

Uber Case Commentary

In the recent past, the arrival of Uber brought revolutionary advancement in the taxi industry, globally. However, with it came periodic labor struggles epitomized by driver’s strikes who would protest against the poor pay and inhumane working conditions. This is now conveniently highlighted by a 2016 suit…

Declaration Of Beneficial Owners

Declaration Of Beneficial Owners

Beneficial Owner “the natural person who ultimately owns or controls a legal person or arrangements or a natural person on whose behalf transactions are conducted, and include persons who exercise ultimate effective control over a legal person or arrangement.” It is by law that companies…

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